Climate ECOS

Steering Committee

I have been a part of both international and national efforts to foster awareness and learning around climate change with a justice lens through my involvement in the UN community Climate ECOs. I am honored to be a steering committee member for this networking effort to bring coherence to international ACE efforts.


  • 2022-present, Elected Council Member, Climate Education, Communication & Outreach (ECOs), Stakeholders Community of the UNFCCC

  • 2019-present, Climate Education, Communication & Outreach (ECOs), Stakeholders Community of the UNFCCC

  • International networking efforts including conversations with:

Related Presentations

ECOS. (2021). Earth Day 2021 ACE-AT Action for Climate Empowerment Webinar. Hosted by the UNFCCC at

Morrison, D., Bhowmik, A., McCaffrey, M., & Ruskey, A. (2018). Frameworks for optimizing environmental and climate action: Individual to global scales. Panel presentation at the 15th Annual Research Symposium of the North American Association for Environmental Education, Oct. 9-10, Spokane, WA, USA.

UN Local Communities and Indigenous People's Platform Facilitated Working Groups

As part of my ongoing work with Climate ECOs, I have been invited to be a participant within the Local Communities and Indigenous People's Platform (LCIPP) constituency facilitated working groups of the UNFCCC (United Nations General Assembly, 1992). I am honored to participate in this space and support the work to center UN Declaration on Human Rights (UNDHR; UN General Assembly, 1948) and the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP; UN General Assembly, 2007).



United Nations General Assembly. (2007). United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Resolution 61/295. New York.

United Nations General Assembly. (1992). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Conclusion date: 14 June 1992. United Nations Treaty Series Online, registration no. I-30822, p. 195-196.

United Nations General Assembly. (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Resolution 217 A. Paris.