Systemic Justice in Science Education

NARST Service

Over the years I have engaged in service work within the NARST community to further equitable participation and policy.


Related Presentations

Garcia, M., DeLeón, A., Rumage, J., Bell, P., Dou, R., & Morrison, D. (2021). Beyond Policies and Statements: Towards Equity in STEM Education. An invited panel for the Administrative Sponsored Session for the External Policy and Relations Committee at the National Association for Research on Science Teaching, April 7-10, 2021 virtual conference.

Nkrumah, T., Morrison, D., & Peters-Burton, E. (2021). NARST Graduate Student Forum: Women in Academia. Invited panelist for NARST annual conference, April 7, 2021, Virtual.

Bianchini, J., Miles, M. L., Gupta, P., Morrison, D., & Cajete, G. (2021). NARST Equity and Ethics Pre-Conference Workshop. Half day workshop panelist for NARST annual conference, April 6, 2021, Virtual.

Bianchini, J., Gupta, P., Morrison, D., Strong, L., & Miles, M. (2020). Equity and Ethics Pre-conference Workshop. Invited panel for National Association for Research on Science Teaching, March 15-18, Portland, OR, USA. [Conference cancelled]

Morrison, D. , Bell, P., & Stromholt, S. (2017). Promoting Student Participation in Science Practices: Strategies for Formative Assessment and Science Classroom Talk. A NARST sponsored session at the National Science Teachers Association, March 30-April 2, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Harris, D., Rodriguez, A., Morrison, D., & Morales-Doyle, D. (2015). Embracing Diversity in Science: Benefits and Challenges of Equitable Science Education from Multiple Perspectives. Invited panel, A NARST sponsored session at the National Science Teachers Association, March 12-15, Chicago, IL, USA.

Morrison, D. (2015). Lessons from Teachers to Improve Participation in Classroom Conversations for All Students. A NARST sponsored session at the National Science Teachers Association, March 12-15, Chicago, IL, USA.

Science Educators for Equity, Diversity and Social Justice (SEEDS)

In 2017, I worked with colleagues from a wide variety of institutions to create a non-profit centered on supporting researchers, educators and activists (identities which may be all in the same person at times), to work across the research-practice boundary in science education in an effort to foster deeper social justice opportunities for students, teachers, researchers and all those involved in the enterprise of science education.


Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education (ACESSE)

The ACESSE project began in 2016 and is an ongoing collaboration with the US Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS), the University of Colorado, and the University of Washington (where I am housed). The ACESSE project seeks to support science education leaders, educators, and others working to foster equitable science learning. This effort is helping to produce a number of professional learning resources. As a research partner on ACESSE, I help to facilitate various types of collaborative design and learning activities across the network. As a member of CSSS, I serve on various committees.


Professional Learning

Related Publications

Emerging book on ACESSE

Bell, P., Morrison, D. L., Arada, K., Garcia, M., & members of the Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS). (2021). How can you advance equity and justice through science teaching? STEM Teaching Tools Brief 71. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

Bell, P., Bang, M., Suarez, E., Morrison, D., Tesoriero, G., & Kaupp, L. (2019). Learning to see the resources students bring to sense-making. ACESSE session G resources. University of Washington. STEM Teaching Tools & ACESSE Resources.

Bell, P., & Morrison, D. (2017). How to craft 3D classroom science assessments. ACESSE session D resources. University of Washington. STEM Teaching Tools & ACESSE Resources.

Related Presentations

Bell, P., Morrison, D., & Caine, B. (2021). Supporting all students to make sense of phenomena by building on all of their intellectual resources. A Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS) Session at the National Science Teachers Association, April 8-11, 2021, Chicago, IL, USA. Being held virtually. [Conference Postponed]

Ebert, E., Schmitz, E., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2021). Climate science education: A state’s journey. A Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS) Session at the National Science Teachers Association, April 8-11, 2021, Chicago, IL, USA. Being held virtually. [Conference Postponed]

Garcia, M., DeLeon, A., Rumage, J., Bell, P., Dou, R., & Morrison, D. Beyond policies and statements: Towards equity in STEM education. Invited session for the Administrative Sponsored Session of the External Policy and Relations Committee of NARST, held April 8-10, 2021, Virtual.

Morrison, D., Swinehart, T., & Stapleton, S. (2021). Justice-centered climate science learning. Council of State Science Supervisors National Meeting, April 4-7, 2021, Virtually.

McIntyre, R., Morrison, D., Moulding, B., & Penuel, W. (2021). The future of online professional learning. Council of State Science Supervisors National Meeting, April 4-7, 2021, Virtual.

Bell, P., Rhinehart, A., & Morrison, D. (2020). Supporting all students to make sense of phenomena by building on all of their intellectual resources. Washington and Oregon Science Teachers’ Association Joint Meeting, October 9-10, 2020 virtually.

Morrison, D. & Bell, P. (2020). Broadening systems of formative assessment to inform cognitive and cultural aspects of instruction. Part of invited symposium “Emergent design heuristics for three-dimensional classroom assessments that promote equity” for the 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, June 19-23, Nashville, TN, USA. [Conference cancelled]

Morrison, D. (2020). 3-D Formative Assessment: Powerful and Purposeful. A Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS) Session at the National Science Teachers Association, April 2-5, Boston, MA, USA. [Conference Cancelled]

Penuel, W., Bell, P., & Morrison, D. (2020). ACESSE 50 Update. Council of State Science Supervisors National Meeting, March 30-April 2, 2020, Virtually.

Ebert, E., Bell, P., & Morrison, D. (2019). Designing and Using Equitable Three-Dimensional Formative Assessments to Support Meaningful NGSS Investigations. A NGSS@NSTA Forum sponsored session at the Western Regional National Science Teachers Association meeting, December 12-14, 2019, Seattle, WA, USA. 

Morrison, D. & Bell, P. (2019). Building Equity in Formative Assessment: Making Sense of Student Responses to Inform Instruction. Presented at the Western Regional National Science Teachers Association meeting, December 12-14, 2019, Seattle, WA, USA. 

Morrison, D. & Bell, P. (2019). Cultural Formative Assessment: Designing Equitable Formative Assessments to Build on Learners’ Interests and Knowledge. Presented at the Western Regional National Science Teachers Association meeting, December 12-14, 2019, Seattle, WA, USA. 

Neill, T. & Morrison, D. (2019). Addressing educational equity in academically inclusive science classrooms. A Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS) Session at the National Science Teachers Association, April 11-14, St. Louis, MO, USA.

Suarez, E., Bell, P., Morrison, D., & Tesoriero, G. (2019). Supporting all students to make sense of phenomena by building all of their intellectual resources. National Science Teachers Association, April 11-14, St. Louis, MO, USA.

Penuel, W., Wingert, K., Bell, P., Morrison, D., & Neill, T. (2019). Strategies for promoting equity in systems of science education: Lessons from ACESSE. Council of State Science Supervisors National Meeting, April 7-10, 2019, St. Louis, MO, USA.

Morrison, D., Tesoriero, G., Bell, P., & Neill, T. (2019). Using expansive co-design practices to promote equity and coherence. Paper for American Educational Research Association, April 5-9, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Riedy, R., Morrison, D., & Penual, W. (2019). Attention to equity and coherence across state systems during educational reform efforts. Paper for American Educational Research Association, April 5-9, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Moon, J., Michaels, S., & Morrison, D. (2019). Using epistemic tools to support reasoning, student agency, and equity. Symposium for American Educational Research Association, April 5-9, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Tesoriero, G., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2019). Co-designed professional development resources as epistemic tools for learning across and within states. Paper for American Educational Research Association, April 5-9, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Lakhani, H., Suárez, E., Morrison, D., Bell, P., Welch, M. M., Taylor, A., & Lippitt, W. (2019). The SEPC RPP: Partnering with districts for co-designing meaningful framework-aligned professional learning. Paper for American Educational Research Association, April 5-9, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Morrison, D., Riedy, R., & Penuel, W. (2019). Practical measures to sense and support states’ implementation efforts of educational reform. Paper for National Association for Research on Science Teaching, March 31-April 3, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Lakhani, H., Suárez, E., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2019). Using practical measures to support secondary science teachers’ implantation of NGSS. Paper for National Association for Research on Science Teaching, March 31-April 3, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Heinz, M., & Morrison, D. (2018). Designing and Using Equitable Formative Assessments to Support Meaningful 3-D Science Investigations. A NGSS@NSTA Forum sponsored session at the National Science Teachers Association Regional Meeting, Nov. 14-17, National Harbor, VI, USA.

Morrison, D., Tesoriero, G., & Bell, P. (2018). Shifting educational activity systems: A cross-case analysis of science education reform efforts in large scale systems. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 3, 1729-30). International Society of the Learning Sciences held in London on June 24-27, 2018.

Penuel, B., Riedy, R., Bell, P., Morrison, D., Tesoriero, G., Neill, T., & Burks, L. (2018). ACESSE: Tools for promoting equity and instructional excellence. Council of State Science Supervisors National Meeting, March 12-14, 2018, Atlanta, GA, USA

Morrison, D. (2017). Equitable 3D Formative Assessment. Presentation at Northern Illinois Science Education conference, Naperville, IL, November 13, 2017. 

Bell, P., Stromholt, S., & Morrison, D. (2017). Development of a formative assessment initiative in support of model-based science instruction.  American Educational Research Association, April 27-May 5, San Antonio, TX, USA.

Bell, P., Lakhani, H., & Morrison, D. (2017). Leveraging collaborative spaces to foster teacher agency and shifts in practice during NGSS implementation. American Educational Research Association, April 27-May 5, San Antonio, TX, USA.

Bell, P., Stromholt, S., & Morrison, D. (2017). Designing and Using Classroom Assessments to Support Meaningful NGSS Investigations. A NGSS@NSTA Forum sponsored session at the National Science Teachers Association, March 30-April 2, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Morrison, D., Bell, P., & Stromholt, S. (2017). Moving Equity Forward in Science Classrooms: Strategies for Developing Justice Centered Science Teacher Learning Communities. An Association of Multicultural Science Education (AMSE) session at the National Science Teachers Association, March 30-April 2, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Morrison, D. , Bell, P., & Stromholt, S. (2017). Promoting Student Participation in Science Practices: Strategies for Formative Assessment and Science Classroom Talk. A NARST sponsored session at the National Science Teachers Association, March 30-April 2, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Penuel, B., Van Horne, K., Riedy, R., Bell, P., Stromholt, S., Morrison, D., Evans, S., Neill, T., & Shaw, S. (2017). ACESSE: Promoting coherence and equity in systems of science education. Council of State Science Supervisors National Meeting, March 27-29, 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA.