Observer to the UNFCCC

University of Washington Delegation

In 2019, I was appointed to the University of Washington's Observer delegation to the UN. As such, I attended the UNFCCC COP25 meeting in Madrid, Spain in the fall of 2019 and continue to do work in this area. As part of this work I've written submissions to the Doha Work programs for the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) program within the UNFCCC.

In the fall of 2020, I was selected to participate in the Climate Dialogues that were held in lieu of the COP 26 meeting (due to COVIC-19) as part of the RINGO sessions.

The amazing communications folks at the University of Washington's College of Education have helped me produce resources around climate justice in the form of podcasts or edutalks. Additionally, the folks at the College of the Environment who have involved me in their EarthLab talks. 


Related Presentations/Talks

Morrison, D., Kretzer, J., Cintron, I., & Poppleton, K. (2020). Implementing Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) to accelerate climate action. UN FCCC Climate Dialogues - RINGO Side Event, November 23-December 4, 2020, held virtually.

Morrison, D. & Niepold, F. (2020). Equity and justice-centered action for climate empowerment. Environmental Justice Salon talk for Earthlab, virtual on May 14, 2020, Seattle, WA: University of Washington. Retrieve from

Morrison, D. (2020). Climate justice education: A hopeful pathway towards a just and sustainable future. Invited talk at EduTalk 2020, February 27, 2020 at the Burke Museum, hosted by the College of Education, University of Washington. Retreived from

Morrison, D. & Wonderlich, D. (2020). Advancing climate science education at the UN. Podcast produced by the College of Education, University of Washington. Retreived from

ECOS Steering Committee

I have been a part of both international and national efforts to foster awareness and learning around climate change with a justice lens through my involvement in the UN community Climate ECOs. I am honored to be a steering committee member for this networking effort to bring coherence to international ACE efforts. 


Related Presentations

ECOS. (2021). Earth Day 2021 ACE-AT Action for Climate Empowerment Webinar. Hosted by the UNFCCC at 

Morrison, D., Bhowmik, A., McCaffrey, M., & Ruskey, A. (2018). Frameworks for optimizing environmental and climate action: Individual to global scales. Panel presentation at the 15th Annual Research Symposium of the North American Association for Environmental Education, Oct. 9-10, Spokane, WA, USA.

UN Local Communities and Indigenous People's Platform Facilitated Working Groups

As part of my ongoing work with Climate ECOs, I have been invited to be a participant within the Local Communities and Indigenous People's Platform (LCIPP) constituency facilitated working groups of the UNFCCC (United Nations General Assembly, 1992). I am honored to participate in this space and support the work to center UN Declaration on Human Rights (UNDHR; UN General Assembly, 1948) and the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP; UN General Assembly, 2007).



UNFCCC - LCIPP. Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples' Platform

United Nations General Assembly. (2007). United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Resolution 61/295. New York.

United Nations General Assembly. (1992). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Conclusion date: 14 June 1992. United Nations Treaty Series Online, registration no. I-30822, p. 195-196. 

United Nations General Assembly. (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Resolution 217 A. Paris.