Climate Curriculum Design at the Institute of Science and Math Education, University of Washington

STEM+C Collaborative Curriculum Design Project

The STEM+C project was a research-partnership between the UW Institute for Science + Math Education, Technology Access Foundation (TAF) and TAF Academy Middle School and High School. The project engaged culturally and linguistically diverse middle and high school students in the investigation of real-world, contemporary STEM topics using computational models and analyses of large data sets, aligned with the new vision for science and engineering education laid out in the Next Generation Science Standards. Curriculum design teams included educators, STEM experts, learning scientists, and computational thinking specialists. 



Related Publications

Fincke, K., Morrison, D., Bergsman, K., & Bell, P. (Accepted). Formative assessment for equitable learning: Leveraging student voice through practical measures. Science Teacher. National Association of Science Teachers.

McGowan, V. C., Klein, E., & Morrison, D. (2019). Engaging students in computational thinking during scientific investigations. STEM Teaching Tools Brief 56. University of Washington, STEM Teaching Tools.

Related Presentations

Bergsman, K. C., Klein, E., McGowan, V. C., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2019). Designing contemporary scientific phenomena for high school biology classrooms: Climate change, evolution, and computational inquiry. Paper for National Association for Research on Science Teaching, March 31-April 3, Baltimore, MD, USA

Bergsman, K. C., Klein, E., McGowan, V. C., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2019). Teacher professional learning through co-design in a design-based research-practice partnership: Teacher expertise in computational inquiry. Poster for National Association for Research on Science Teaching, March 31-April 3, Baltimore, MD, USA

McGowan, V. C., Klein, E. R., Bergsman, K. C., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2018). Supporting climate change literacy through computational inquiry in a high school biology classroom. American Educational Research Association, April 13-17, New York, NY, USA.

Bergsman, K., Klein, E., McGowan, V., Morrison, D., & Bell, P. (2017). Navigating design tensions through tools for collaboration: Co-design of NGSS-aligned science curriculum within a research-practice partnership. American Educational Research Association, April 27-May 5, San Antonio, TX, USA.

This research-practice partnership brings together scientists, educators (both math and science), curriculum designers, scientists specializing in weather and climate data analysis, and science outreach specialists to explore model curriculum units to engage rural, under-served youth in interactive experiences with important scientific data practices in New England. The project takes a place-based approach around the collaboration with the Mt. Washington Observatory in New Hampshire - home of the highest mountain in the eastern United States to explore weather data in the context of shifting climate. 



Related Presentations

Sezen-Barrie, A., Louie, J., Roche, B., Morrison, D., Buffington, P., Fagan, E., Waterman, K., Fitzgerald, B., & Finzer, W. (2021). Socially just learning in rural science classrooms through everyday sensemaking of extreme weather events across communities of practice. Session in symposium, “Designing learning for just and resilient climate action”, for National Association for Research on Science Teaching, April 7-10, 2021 virtual conference. 

Waterman, K., Louie, J., Fitzgerald, B., Sezen-Barrie, A., Morrison, D., Finzer, W., Buffington, P. (2020). The Weather X Project: Understanding weather extremes with big data and inspiring rural youth in data science. SREE – Advancing Education Research Conference on March 11-14, Arlington, Virginia, USA.  [Conference cancelled]

STEM Teaching Tools Climate Learning Resources

As an assistant editor for the STEM Teaching Tools, and in collaboration with Dr. Phil Bell and all the ISME staff, we have expanded the climate learning resources of this space. We are also presenting often at conferences around this work.

ClimeTime and the Climate Teacher Ed Collaborative

Both ClimeTime and the Climate Teacher Ed Collaborative are UW collaborations with Washington State. For more on those see the Washington section of the state systems descriptions.